Learning and Leisure Services is committed to providing high quality staff development across the department. The CPD website contains a range of courses which will support your professional development, enabling you to continue to provide a high quality service and helping to develop your professional skills and aspirations.
Information about courses will be provided on an ongoing basis, you are advised to visit the site regularly to check for opportunities of interest and to ensure that you are up to date with venues, dates and times of all courses you are booked to attend. Notification of any changes will be sent by email.
The primary function of the CPD Record is to encourage teachers to become reflective practitioners, seeking an awareness of their own professional competence and evaluating their professional development on an ongoing basis. Your record should include a reflective commentary on any CPD activity undertaken which can be shown to contribute to your professional development. It should provide evidence of the your commitment to CPD and your awareness of the impact of development experiences on practice.
Your CPD Record will be your personal log of the activities you have undertaken. It could be used to present an analysis of personal and professional development, provide additional support in preparing for professional review and assist in recording activities which may lead to accreditation.
If you have any questions about course bookings, you can phone the admin team on 01236 812214.